Editor's note: This section of email runs contains our first serious discussions of how we're going to transfer this large sum of money. At this point, we're still strictly business (unless my personal life interferes with Kelvin's plans).
reply-to: kelvinsmith200008@yahoo.fr
to: j.ombud@gmail.com
date: Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 2:13 AM
subject: Attn:Jonathan Ombudsman
June 19
Dear Jonathan Ombudsman,
Please from now on, contact me via my private email address kelvinsmith200008@yahoo.fr with your direct phone number so that I can call you to discuss on how to move the funds to you for investment purposes.
Waiting to read from you and to have your direct phone number.
Best Regards,
Kelvin Smith.
Personal Private Email:kelvinsmith200008@yahoo.fr
from: Jonathan Ombudsman
to: kelvinsmith200008@yahoo.fr
date: Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 11:47 PM
subject: Business Dealings
Jun 19
Dear Mr. Smith,
How are you doing, old chap? Things up at the farm are doing quite well. We're planning quite a get-together this Saturday. Perhaps you'd be interested in joining us (we understand if that's not possible- it's quite a drive from London). Samantha is planning on making an American style "barbeque", and my job is to prepare the roast beef. All of the children and their families will be there.
I am quite confused- it certainly seemed as if your gmail account was your personal one. Do you possibly work for Google, and as such have your gmail account is work-related?
With your regards to your request for a direct phone number, I regret to inform you that currently our phone line is having a bit of trouble. There was some misunderstanding with the phone company, and they accidentally disconnected our line. I spoke to them, and they apologised profusely and said that the worker who was responsible had been fired already, but that it would be a week or so until the line is back up. I personally think that they're not telling me the whole truth (how could it take a week to put in a phone line?), and that there's something more serious going on. Do you think it's possible that my association with your client will cause the government to insert listening devices on my phone, because if so I may have to reconsider our dealings.
Either way, I hope things are well, and please do tell me about your Saturday plans.
Sincerely yours,
Jonathan Horatio Ombudsman
"All your base, are belong to us" Corinthians 2:13
from: Kelvin Smith
reply-to: kelvinsmith200008@yahoo.fr
to: Jonathan Ombudsman
date: Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 1:11 AM
subject: Re : Business Dealings
Jun 22
Dear Jonathan Ombudsman,
I've been very busy making plans to move the funds from Africa to London by a diplomat,the funds will be packaged as a consignment to you and it will be brought by a diplomat but content of the consignment will not be disclose to the diplomat,so you adive not to disclose the content to the diplomat when claim the consignment funds.
The diplomat will move on 25-06-2008 from africa with consignment funds and he will arrive London on 26-06-2008 and you are to travel down to London to claim the consignment funds.
If you are Ok with this plans do reply me so that I can go ahead with the new plan.
Waiting to read from you.
Kelvin Smith.
Editor's note: To be honest, this whole coming to London to meet the diplomat kind of freaked me out. What were they planning on doing? Mugging me? Making me sign forms? Putting me in a comfy chair? I had to get out of England, and fast.
from: Jonathan Ombudsman
to: kelvinsmith200008@yahoo.fr
date: Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 2:01 PM
subject: Re: Re : Business Dealings
Jun 23
Dear Mr. Smith
I am truly sorry that I did not inform you of my upcoming vacation sooner- I thought the type of business we would be doing could be taken care of over the phone and Internet. Samantha and I are going on a three week cruise tomorrow in the Bahamas- I will be unable to meet your diplomat friend later this week. Is there any way I could get in touch with him to set up another meeting or one of my associates to collect the money from him?
Even though I am traveling, I still we checking my email regularly.
We missed you at the barbeque! Samantha would really love to meet you when you have a chance. Would you perhaps like to join us for part of the cruise?
J.H. Ombudsman
"There's no crying in baseball" James Dugan, April 14, 1944 Normandy
from: Kelvin Smith
reply-to: kelvinsmith200008@yahoo.fr
to: Jonathan Ombudsman
date: Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 5:15 PM
subject: Re: Re : Business Dealings
Jun 23
Dear Jonathan Ombudsman,
This is sudden information that you are traveling to bahamas for crusie and there is no way I can stop the diplomat from coming to London,I will advice you to extend your trip to bahamas so that you can claim the consignment funds from the diplomat by tomorrow,I have called the diplomat to leave africa this night so that he can arrive London first thing tomorrow morning.
This is a million dollar deal and we need to take it serious,plesae extend your trip for just two days so that you can claim the consignment from the diplomat,I need a phone number to give to the diplomat so that he can call you as soon as he arrives London with consignment.
Wating to read from you soon.
Kelvin Smith.
Editor's note: Realising that he had forgotten to turn on the spell-check for that last gem, Kelvin thought it would be best to send the same email with better spelling (his grammar check, fortunately, was not turned on).
from: Kelvin Smith
reply-to: kelvinsmith200008@yahoo.fr
to: Jonathan Ombudsman
date: Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 5:16 PM
subject: Re: Re : Business Dealings
Jun 23
Dear Jonathan Ombudsman,
This is sudden information that you are travelling to Bahamas for Cruise and there is no way I can stop the diplomat from coming to London,I will advice you to extend your trip to bahamas so that you claim the consignment funds from the diplomat by tomorrow,I have called the diplomat to leave Africa this night so that he can arrive London first thing tomorrow.
This is a million dollar deal and we need to take it serious,please extend your trip for just two days so that you can claim the consignment from the diplomat,I need a phone number to give to the diplomat so that he call you as soon as arrive London with consignment.
Waiting to read from you soon.
Kelvin Smith.
Editor's note: Also, the second one was written in italics, and blue. Either way, our reservations were set in stone, and it would be very difficult for me to change them.
from: Jonathan Ombudsman
to: kelvinsmith200008@yahoo.fr
date: Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 8:38 AM
subject: Re: Re : Business Dealings
Jun 24
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am very sorry, but by the time I received your email we were already on the way. Is there any way I could arrange for someone else to meet the diplomat in my stead? Thanks muchly,
J.H. Ombudsman
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from: Jonathan Ombudsman
to: kelvinsmith200008@yahoo.fr
date: Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 2:41 PM
subject: Re: Re : Business Dealings
Jun 24
Dear Mr. Smith,
I once again want to apologise for what just went down. Is there another way that I could get in touch with the diplomat, and ask him to meet when I come back? Is there a way he can drop the package off with some associates of mine? Please let me know very much. I am still very much looking forward to doing business with you and your client.
Yours truly,
J.H. Ombudsman III
"Never tell anyone outside the Family what you're thinking again" Sicilians 4:72
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from: Kelvin Smith
to: Jonathan Ombudsman
date: Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 10:44 PM
subject: Re: Re : Business Dealings
Jun 24
Dear Jonathan Ombudsman,
I don't like the Idea of your business friend to claim the consignment on your behalf,I have a better plans,the transfer will done online via Bank to Bank.
The Diplomate arrived London today and the funds has been deposited in HSBC BANK LONDON and you are to fill the attached bank transfer form below with your bank account so the funds can be transfer into your personal account.
Fill the bank transfer form and send it to back to the bank via email and your account will be credited within 72hrs
Bank: Hsbc Bank London Plc
Name: Mrs Jane Freedom
Email: hsbcbanklondon@rocketmail.com
Keep me posted as soon as contacted the bank with the Bank Transfer Form..
Kelvin Smith.
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Editor's note: Bank details! This is more like it! No more dark alley muggings! Just so you know, Kelvin sent me the same email again (with less details) a few minutes later. Now the real game had begun...
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